of Arizona, Inc.
Annual Report
2022 - 2023

Planned Parenthood Arizona promotes and protects every person's freedom and right to enjoy sexual health and well-being, to make reproductive choices, and build healthy, strong families.

Executive Leadership
Angela Florez
President and CEO
April Donovan
Interim President & Chief Operating Officer
Jill Gibson, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Lisa Bell
Interim Chief Development Officer
Sheena Chiang, Esq.,
Astrid K. Henao,
Amanda Bruno,
MPA, Vice Chair
Anna Rojo Keene,
Adrienne Azurdia
Alex Ross
Andrea Aguilar
Bonnie Typlin
Britt Nigon
Carminia Muñoz
Edna Meza Aguirre
Gulen Hicks
Jody Ryan
Kado Stewart
Sarah Cabou
Sasha Ellis
Stephanie Small
Terri Hulse
Letter From Leadership
Board Chairs And CEO
Dear Friends,
First, we want to share our gratitude to you for contributing your time and funding to serve patients across Arizona with medically accurate and culturally responsive reproductive healthcare. This last year has shown us just how difficult this can be, particularly in this state, and it’s been an honor to watch all of you attend events, wear your Planned Parenthood gear, make significant and meaningful contributions and volunteer at our clinics and community programs. The following pages describe our successes, despite being a challenging year, and our goals for the future. You’ll read about our renewal of vasectomy services in Southern Arizona, our impactful volunteer led Abortion Doula program and a generous couple Drs. Gordon and Shapiro, who wanted to step in to make sure all patients, no matter their economic or insured status, had access to long-acting contraceptives. We hope as you read these pages you feel proud to continue supporting our essential mission, recognize the incredible impact your gifts have made state-wide and that you’ll be encouraged to share these stories with your family, friends and colleagues. 2024 will be a pivotal year for abortion access with our pending Supreme Court Case, it will have a long-lasting impact on our ability to provide quality care to our patients you have supported all these years.
We're so thankful you're all with us.
In this together,
Sheena Chiang PPAZ Co-Chair
Astrid K Henao PPAZ Co-Chair
April Donovan Interim President & CEO

Healthcare Highlights
Healthcare Services
Abortion Doula Program
Interview with
Paige Daniel

Why did you start volunteering as an abortion doula for Planned Parenthood?
I started volunteering as a doula because I wanted to be able to provide support for anyone having an abortion, no matter what their situation was. Considering anti-abortion restrictions in AZ and abortion stigma, there are a lot of reasons that people are scared to access essential health care. The process can be extremely difficult, I understand this, and I wanted to be able to give people compassion and make sure no one ever feels alone during an abortion.
What is the most important thing you do for PPAZ patients?
One of the most important things I do for PPAZ patients is hold their hand during the procedure. I tell them “You can squeeze my hand as hard as you need to. I am here for you.” I also created tiny magazines for patients to take home that include in-clinic abortion aftercare and resources for support once they leave our clinic.
What makes you proud about being a doula?
I am proud to be an abortion doula because I have made a positive impact on people’s lives. Some people are living in fear of their family or partners’ reactions to their decision, and I am so proud to be able to show them that abortion is normal. I always tell our patients “You are doing strong work. You are doing what is best for you and your family.” I am proud to cry, have tough conversations, and do anything I can as a doula to support our patients.
What do you want people to know about abortion, that you think is generally misunderstood?
People tend to think that an in-clinic abortion is an unsafe procedure. The procedure itself is typically 3-5 minutes long and is one of the safest medical procedures you can get. It is a very simple and common procedure. Also, there are not only doulas at PPAZ to provide support but the whole staff caters to our patient’s needs.

Vasectomy Expansion
Following a tragic year for access to abortion in 2022, many men wanted to step up and take their parental decisions into their own hands with a trusted provider like Planned Parenthood. We heard this need from our patients and started vasectomy services in April 2023. So far, we’ve seen over 100 patients, who have a variety of reasons for seeking this essential care.
With the generous support of the Tucson Foundations, PPAZ was able to increase awareness of this new service across the valley, increase operational support and supplies, and provide financial support to patients with limited resources to access vasectomy care.
Photo: Patient receiving vasectomy consultation at PPAZ Health Center.
Supreme Court Case
Earlier this year, an anti-abortion advocate filed a petition with the Arizona Supreme Court to revive a near total ban on abortion that dates back to 1864. The outcome of this case could have devastating effects on Arizonans’ access to reproductive healthcare. On December 12, we brought together hundreds of supporters to the Arizona Supreme Court to make our message clear: Access to abortion is essential healthcare. Thank you to the incredible volunteers who joined us that day and throughout this troubling case.
Photo: PP supporters and volunteers continue to show up at important court dates to remind the Arizona Supreme Court they are FOR Planned Parenthood.

Gordon-Shapiro Fund
In November of 2022, months after the fall of Roe and a turbulent summer, Dr. Paul Gordon was working in our Southern Arizona Health Center in Tucson. He noticed an increase in patients seeking abortions due to their inability to obtain contraception after the change in Title X and ultimately, looking for long term contraceptive methods to prevent pregnancy. Dr. Gordon saw a need immediately grow and he and his wife Dr. Eve Shapiro, former board member and dedicated advocate, wanted to do something about it. That month they established the Gordon-Shapiro Fund for LARCs, making these contraceptive methods available to those women without insurance to help cover the high costs. “We hope other people will join us in this effort. As Planned Parenthood has said for a long time: family planning prevents abortions. We want to provide as many women in Arizona with that option.” Since they’ve started the fund, it’s grown to provide this procedure at no cost to over 25 women statewide. To learn more about the Gordon-Shapiro fund and for LARCS and how you can help, contact Lisa Bell, Interim Chief Development Officer, Lisa.Bell1@ppaz.org.
Planned Parenthood Pillars
Last year marked a significant year of growth and collaboration for the Department of Clinical Research. In its second year, the research team successfully secured three new contracts for industry-sponsored studies, expanding partnerships with esteemed research sponsors such as Teal Health, Becton Dickinson, and Cue Health, Inc. Additionally, collaborations were forged with academic partners including the Guttmacher Institute and the Society of Family Planning, with whom PPAZ partnered on projects including the “Monthly Abortion Provision (MAP) Study” and the “#WeCount” Project, respectively.
Another milestone achievement in FY23 was the establishment of PPAZ’s Research Advisory Committee. This committee, comprising a diverse group of internal stakeholders, ensures that all present and future research activities remain firmly centered in principles of equity
and anti-racism, and on the overarching mission of PPAZ.

In accordance with the department’s commitment to advancement, PPAZ’s Clinical Research Manager, Levi Anderson, successfully applied for a Research Readiness and Expansion Program (ReREP) grant. This funding facilitated Levi’s travel to Planned Parenthood of Illinois in the beginning of FY24 , where he partnered with PPIL’s Department of Research to open new avenues for collaboration and knowledge exchange between our affiliates.
Finally, the PPAZ Department of Clinical Research outlined a comprehensive three-year strategic plan, which aims to maximize resources and optimize the revenue stream in order to position the department for sustained success. Thanks to the collective efforts of the team, the Department of Clinical Research enters FY24 well-poised to advance sexual and reproductive healthcare and to contribute to the success of our affiliate through the practice of clinical research and generation of knowledge.

Education And Outreach Events
Safer Sex Sacks
Packed and distributed 5,370 SSS to all seven health centers as well as community partners like ASU, Terros Mobile Care Unit, Galeria Mitotera, Jellywink Boutique, Chicanos Por La Causa, University of Arizona’s resource centers, Tap & Bottle brewery, and Thrive in the 05.
These have not only been enthusiastically received by the public, but they have also proven a highly supportive way to engage in deeper conversations with the public. A Safer Sex Sack handoff can lead to supportive resources for better parenting, the importance of consent and negotiation, the role of men in reproductive health, healthy relationships and more equal partnerships, and how to be better prepared for the hard conversations considering abortion access limitations.
Community Engagement
Much of Education’s community engagement during this time was still virtual. Because the Dobbs decision was affecting people in different ways, one of those being anxiety about abortion access misinformation, the biggest request from people was an overview of abortion access and preventative action for surviving the new reality. Therefore the Education department spent much of the fiscal year elevating awareness of PPAZ’s services, clinic locations, and basic sex ed and communication resources. People not only wanted to know where to go should the worst happen, but their interest
in sex ed for all ages was renewed. They wanted to step up in becoming more askable adults, knowing that the state was becoming less and less supportive of preventative information.
We reached 1,108 people through in person events and virtual presentations. Subjects for our presentation ranged from Birth Control and Abortion, Sex Convos 101 for Social Workers, Core Skills for Sex Educator trainings, and Sex Ed for Parents and Caregivers.
Our Statewide Impact

Patients Served

Tests and Treatments of STI

Preventive Care

Visits Made

Health Center Locations

Abortion Services
Planned Parenthood Arizona
and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona
Combined Financial Statement

Please note: This statement of revenue, allocation and expenses is the responsibility of the management of PPAZ. PPAZ, as a 501(c)(3) organization, maintains a system of internal accounting controls designed to provide reasonable assurance the financial information is free from material misstatement.
Payment Method
Insurance: 58%
Self Pay: 27%
Medicaid: 8%
Donations: 5%
Donation Breakdown
Individual: 66%
Foundation: 28%
Medicaid: 8%
Corporate: 5%

Planned Parenthood Arizona is grateful to the thousands of donors who contribute to our work on a daily basis. Just last year we received an outpouring of love and support from our community to continue to do this work. We could not do the work in these pages without your contributions and charitable donations. This includes the hundreds of volunteers who contribute to our mission every year. From all of us at Planned Parenthood, THANK YOU!